Thursday, February 18, 2010

USA Today: Design Unleashed

Olympic Food Sculpture
British Columbia is not only the home of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It's also the third largest cranberry grower in North American, behind Wisconsin and Massachusetts. Unless you follow cranberries, you probably did not know that.
But knowing that, what else would the zany cranberry growers of British Columbia do with their cranberries to honor the 2010 Olympic competitors? Why, build cranberry monuments, of course! Like these cranberry-filled football stadium-sized logos: the international Olympic Rings and the Canadian Maple Leaf logo.
The Olympic Rings and Maple Leaf were sculpted by DESIGN SOLUTIONS (Stephen Stefanou) and cranberry-filled in Richmond, BC, a suberb of Vancouver, so one can only hope that some of the Olympians get to see these beautiful tributes. Hopefully, the tributes are in the flight path of the aerial security, so those folks will see them.
I guess there were enough cranberries left over, after the Olympic Rings and Maple Leaf, to create a cranberry moat around Richmond city hall. Are those some big red jelly fish made from cranberry Jello?
According to
USA Today, the cranberries were harvested in October and November and then frozen and shipped to Richmond. They were just thawed and poured into form a few days ago.
I hope there is a way to clean these
berries and make them into juice or something edible. Can anyone even guess how much antioxidant power is in 46,000 square feet of cranberries?


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