Friday, November 27, 2009

Las Vegas Sun: Casinos Open Arms for Asians

Chinese New Year turning into Lucrative Holiday!
Las Vegas Sun by Liz Benston January 25, 2006

A Chinese propensity to gamble is a long-held truism in Las Vegas that has yet to be documented with any accuracy. But some say there is a cultural basis for gambling during Chinese New Year -- a holiday that is inextricably tied to testing one's luck.
If a person wins a wager, it could bring new luck for the rest of the year, or so the tradition goes. Losing a bet could rid the bettor of bad luck that's accumulated over the past year.

The Bellagio Conservatory features a pagoda, Tang Dynasty horse and other traditional Chinese decor (designed by Stephen Stefanou with Design Solutions in Dallas, TX) in celebration of Chinese New Year. Many hotels plan special events for the holiday.